
Yelena Tishin

Yelena Tishin

Name an unforgettable moment with the IPO
I have had so many fascinating experiences with the orchestra. There were concerts in Israel and abroad which I will remember forever. But I’d like to share one opportunity. 15 years ago, Avi Shoshani approached and offered me to play the Vivaldi concerto for four violins with three of my colleagues from the orchestra. It was such an amazing and moving experience to play with my friends from the orchestra. I’m so grateful for it.

What is the special significance of the IPO to you/Why did you want to be part of the IPO?
Music is my life, the Charles Bronfman Auditorium is my second home, and the IPO is my family. I love and miss the orchestra so much during this Covid period. I’m looking forward to going back to my friends in the orchestra as soon as possible.

Did you acquire any new skills during the pandemic?
I started studying pottery.

Claire and Albert Schussler z"l Chair